Healing Cities

Emergency & Immediate Help

National Suicide Prevention Help Line

Call 800.273.8255

The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.

Crisis Text Line

Text “HELLO” to 741741

24/7 support – a live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds, all from a secure online platform.

Baltimore Crisis Response Hotline

Call 410.433.5175

MD Relay dial 711

If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs immediate assistance call our text 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Maryland Crisis Connect

Call 211 or text your zip code to TXT-211

Supportive counseling hotline for suicide, family and relationship problems, shelter needs, violent or threatening domestic situations, loneliness, depression, chemical dependency issues and others.

If you or someone you know needs help, the NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., ET.

Veterans Crisis Line

Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press 1 or text to 838255

The Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource that connects veterans 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a trained responder.

SAMHSA National Helpline

Call 800.662.HELP (4357) or text “talk with us” to 66746

Free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

National Runaway Safeline

Call 800.RUNAWAY (800.786.2929) or live chat

Each team member is prepared to listen to your story, help you handle a crisis and guide you to solutions that will improve your situation.

The Disaster Distress Helpline

Call or text 800.985.5990

The Disaster Distress Helpline also answers calls and texts related to infectious disease outbreaks, incidents of community unrest, and other traumatic events 24/7. Spanish-speakers can call the hotline and press “2”.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Call 800.799.7233

TTY: 800.787.3224

Free and confidential help is available for victims of domestic violence 24 hours a day.


National Child Abuse Hotlines

Call or text 800.422.4453

If you are a witness to or a victim of child abuse there is a huge benefit to making the report yourself and our counselors are available to talk.


National Sexual Assault Hotline

Chat online with a trained staff member who can provide you confidential crisis support.


US National Human Trafficking Hotline

Call 888.373.7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733)

Provides 24/7 support and a variety of options for survivors of human trafficking to get connected to help and stay safe.

Child Protection

If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, please call the local department of social services in your area (access by clicking the link).

Maryland Children’s Alliance has child advocacy centers where child sexual abuse victims and their families receive support throughout the process of investigation, prosecution, and healing. 

As the Maryland chapter of Parents Anonymous®, Prevent Child Abuse America and The National Exchange Club, we nurture hope where there may be none and give it room to grow and flourish.

BCAC’s activities focus on intervention when abuse is reported, treatment to aid in the healing, education around recognizing, preventing, and reporting suspicions of abuse, and advocacy.

Maryland Essentials for Childhood is a statewide collective impact initiative to prevent child maltreatment and adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s). 

Child Justice works to protect children in child custody/access or protective order cases after exposure to family violence, physical or sexual abuse, substance misuse or neglect. 

The HWC program promotes safe and supportive homes, schools and communities that protect children, and help traumatized children heal and thrive. 

We aim to bring important resources and support in key areas around getting through difficult times to assist children and families in need.

Domestic & Sexual Violence

Our mission is to help prevent sexual assault, advocate for accessible, compassionate care for survivors of sexual violence, and work to hold offenders accountable.


Leading the fight to end violence against women and their children by confronting the attitudes, behaviors and systems that perpetuate it, and by providing victims with resources.


We are dedicated to supporting survivors and holding offenders accountable and supporting advocates.


Turn Around

We provide counseling and support services to those impacted by human trafficking, sexual and intimate partner violence. 


The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence partners with victim service providers, professional allies, and everyday citizens in order to reduce domestic violence in Maryland. 


At GBMC, we re-empower victims and survivors, while working to end Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, and Child Abuse in our community. 


Araminta Freedom Initiative reduces the threat of child sex trafficking—the buying and selling of minors for the purpose of sexual exploitation—and restores the mind, body and spirit of those who have survived the trauma of modern slavery.


Transforming the lives of children and adults by providing opportunities to build self-confidence, resilience and hope. 

Family Planning

The Healthy Teens and Young Adults’ (HTYA) mission is to reduce unintended pregnancies and to improve pregnancy outcomes by providing reproductive health services to young women and men 10 – 24 years of age. 

We work to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the early connections that are critical to their well-being and development.

Our proprietary social-emotional learning method helps adults reduce stress and equips them to develop relationships that build emotional resilience in children.

The mission of Family Planning and Reproductive Health is to reduce unintended pregnancies and to improve pregnancy outcomes by providing reproductive health services to women and men ages 25 to 50.

Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. 

The Bureau of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) supports the health and wellbeing of pregnant women, children, and their caregivers in Baltimore City. 

Whole Woman’s Health of Baltimore is proud to provide high-quality and affordable reproductive health services, including safe and confidential abortion care. 

Looking for senior care can be stressful and confusing, and you may be unsure where to start. Whether you’re looking for a senior living community or help with in-home care, we’re here to help you understand your options, learn about financing and guide you through the process.

Food Assistance

Mayor’s Office of Children & Family Success.
Free Meals Program

Check out the link to learn about food resources including free food boxes. 

Food Rescue Baltimore is dedicated to food justice: ensuring equal access to nutritious food, and providing for those in need in Baltimore’s communities.

Baltimore City is committed to making sure children and families, older adults and other food-insecure residents have access to free meals during the coronavirus outbreak.

BCDSS customer care teams are available onsite to assist residents with applying for an Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC) grant or requesting a replacement or lost SNAP EBT card.  


Maryland Food Bank

Maryland Food Bank keeps an updated list of partners doing food distributions. 

Housing Assistance

With a person-centered and data-driven approach, we meet the immediate needs of our neighbors experiencing homelessness while pursuing the ultimate goal of a safe, long-term housing solutions.

Each organization may have unique requirements to qualify for assistance, and you will need to verify information before applying. 


In partnership with caregivers, advocates, donors and our neighbors without homes, we provide health care and housing supports, and advocate for justice for all. 

Comprehensive set of direct services to ensure that individuals can efficiently address issues that undermine the health, energy efficiency and safety of their home environment.

The goal: to disburse tens of millions of dollars over two years to assist eligible tenants with getting current on their rent, avoiding eviction and staying in their homes. 

Fight Blight Bmore is an economic, environmental, and social justice initiative led by the community and informed by data to address the issue of blight

Transforming the lives of children and adults by providing opportunities to build self-confidence, resilience and hope. 

Legal Assistance

JVCC seeks to provide high quality pro-bono legal representation to clients in a number of proceedings, including in peace & protective orders, immigration matters, civil litigation, and general victim advocacy.


Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center

Provides free legal representation and advocacy services for all types of crimes.

Mental Health

We help guide innovative approaches to prevention, early intervention, treatment and recovery for those who are dealing with mental health and substance use disorders to help build healthier individuals, stronger families and safer communities.


The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.


MHAMD’s Mental Health First Aid® training course helps people learn how to respond to a behavioral health concern or crisis. 

The Holistic Life Foundation (HLF) has provides yoga and mindfulness education for underserved residents in the Baltimore community and beyond.


BMHA serves the community and organizations throughout the area by providing workshops and forums covering a range of topics and subjects. 

Maryland Coalition of Families (MCF) is a state-wide nonprofit dedicated to connecting, supporting and empowering families who are experiencing behavioral health challenges. 

We strengthen families affected by trauma, substance use, and behavioral health conditions by providing equitable and inclusive services.

Roberta’s House is a safe place where children, teens and adults discover that they are not alone in their grief.  

The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator is an online source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.

Our team of professionals, including psychiatrists and counselors, will work closely with each child and their families to address their emotional and behavioral challenges. 

Our vision is that all Latinos receive culturally competent healthcare that acknowledges the diversity of the community and respects the dignity of each individual.

Interactive map displaying the availability and location of telebehavioral health providers throughout the state of Maryland. 

Right Step’s mission is to provide superior behavioral health care solutions by way of the provision of wrap-around services built on systemic experience to learn long term copings skills for sustainable wellness.


Baltimore Community Mediation Center

Baltimore Community Mediation Center (BCMC) has provides mediation services at no cost to participants. 


To help heal families, as well as individuals within the family system, from trauma, depression, anxiety, family conflict, anger management, etc.  

The Alzheimer’s Association has several free, online tools to help you find answers, local resources and support.

These services include individual counseling, family counseling, psychiatric evaluation, social and coping skill development, addiction counseling and treatment, and medication management. 


We offer drop-in wellness and recovery centers with social, recreational, creative, and educational activities.


Transforming the lives of children and adults by providing opportunities to build self-confidence, resilience and hope. 

Personal & Professional Development

We offer a variety of workshops throughout the year. All are free of charge to participants and open to anyone who wishes to attend. 

Comprehensive program offerings that are designed to help individuals and families attain and sustain self-sufficiency.

Our Job Centers are OPEN to the public again! Just walk in or call 410-396-3009. If you don’t reach someone please leave a message and we’ll contact you within 48 hours.

Through her educational training, workshops, presentations and community activism, Ayana seeks to educate and support individual and collective empowerment to help people make the best-informed decisions.

My mission is to transform the world (and future generations) through RADICAL JOY.  Creating a world where everyone is able to access joy through purpose, open conversation, and healing experiences. 

MBK Baltimore is positioned to bring alignment across many initiatives throughout the city and empower boys and men of color as facilitators of positive change within communities and systems.

Re-Entry / Returning Citizens

Project SERVE (Service, Empowerment, Revitalization, Validation, Employment training) operates out of Living Classrooms’ Broadway Overlook Community Center and addresses the issue of high unemployment and high recidivism among returning citizens in Baltimore City. 

PIVOT creates an ecosystem of opportunity including access to housing, transportation, mental health care, addiction treatment, family services, job training, job placement, and community connections.

Jericho is a workforce development program that assists male ex-offenders who are returning to the community and are motivated to participate in job training and placement. 


Offers linkages to education, rehabilitation, guidance, shelter, and reentry support to incarcerated men in prisons and jails throughout the State of Maryland.

Violence Prevention

Baltimoreans came together to collectively envision what the city will look like when the transformation is complete and begin the work of co-producing public safety.

Safe Streets

Safe Streets Baltimore is an evidence-based, public health program to reduce gun violence among youth ages 14 to 24.


Baltimore Ceasefire 365

Baltimore Ceasefire 365 is a city-wide call-to-action for Baltimore City residents to avoid murder and affirm life.


Roca Baltimore

We get the young people involved in the majority of urban violence to see there’s another path in life. 


Springboard Community Services

Transforming the lives of children and adults by providing opportunities to build self-confidence, resilience and hope. 

Youth Development

CLIA’s Leadership Development and Advocacy training programs equip youth with the skills necessary to lead effectively and advocate for positive change in their schools, neighborhoods and city.

We work with one child, one teen, one adult, and one family at a time to identify existing barriers towards success and provide skills training, resources, and opportunities.


Baltimore’s Promise

Baltimore City Youth Opportunity Landscape Dashboard – Shows you programs geared towards youth in Baltimore City. 

To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

The Nolita Project is an initiative that inspires youth in struggling communities to restore their engagement in education, therefore, creating successful leaders.

Youth in Action (YIA) is a program designed to empower participants to research topics and create actionable steps to solve problems that students have identified as important to them.


Author Ashley Tate

The goal is to inspire, motivate, empower, and encourage women and teen girls of color in urban communities. 

Our goals are to eliminate bullying from the inside out, by providing comedy infused anti-bullying programming, mentorship, and artistic empowerment. 

Our vision is to make sure youth and adults become successful citizens of society; while demonstrating excellence through life skill experiences.

It engages and trains sports-based youth development coaches, practitioners, and organizations to address the most pressing issues facing youth in under-resourced urban communities.

We work to support our schools as community hubs, developing resources and expand programming opportunities to better serve our youth.


Springboard Community Services

Transforming the lives of children and adults by providing opportunities to build self-confidence, resilience and hope.